Key takeaways:

  • 3D scanning services can range in cost from $150 to several thousand dollars;
  • Certain objects pose challenges for 3D scanning and may necessitate the intervention of an experienced 3D artist to adjust the file.

Knowing the price range of 3D scanning services is a stepping stone to making informed decisions when you consider hiring one. Services for 3D scanning can differ significantly in cost, from a modest $150 to several thousands. This is due to many factors, which we will discuss in more comprehensive detail.

Detailed Price Breakdown 

A 3D scan’s price varies based on the complexity of the object being scanned. For example, a simple geometric shape might just cost $150, while an elaborate sculpture can skyrocket into the thousands. Understanding the factors that influence these costs is crucial if you want to set a realistic budget for your 3D scanning needs.

Key Factors in Determining 3D Scanning Prices

The cost of 3D scanning services is influenced by a variety of factors, each playing a pivotal role in determining the final pricing. Below, the key elements that impact the cost are explored, broadening the understanding beyond mere figures.

Project Complexity

The nature and scale of the project significantly affect the cost. Scanning a simple object like an apple might be straightforward and completed within a short timeframe. Conversely, intricate and valuable items, such as large artworks, demand more time and precision, thus increasing the cost.

Post-Processing Requirements

The initial scan often requires further refinement, especially in projects involving complex geometries or reverse engineering of obsolete components. Enhancing the 3D model for applications like 3D printing may necessitate specialized skills in 3D sculpting or CAD design, leading to additional costs. In cases where direct scanning is impractical, creating a 3D model from scratch becomes a necessity, further influencing the price.

Challenges in 3D Scanning

Certain items pose significant challenges to 3D scanning processes:

  • Miniature Objects: Items ranging in size from 28mm to that of a coin;
  • Hair: Currently, accurately capturing hair through 3D scanning is unfeasible;
  • Dark Objects: Objects with dark surfaces require a preparatory coating of washable white powder to be scanned effectively.

These limitations might necessitate a complete 3D modeling approach, bypassing traditional scanning methods. However, advancements in laser scanning technology are gradually overcoming these hurdles.

Equipment Cost

The quality and cost of the 3D scanner used are directly reflected in the service price. High-end industrial 3D scanners, potentially costing up to $100,000, offer superior precision and reliability. This disparity in equipment quality means that services employing state-of-the-art scanners will likely command higher fees compared to those using less expensive alternatives.

Additional Expenses Associated with 3D Scanning

Beyond the direct charges for 3D scanning services, there are several other costs to contemplate. One significant consideration is shipping expenses. In instances where local 3D scanning services are unavailable, shipping your object for scanning becomes necessary. While this may not be a concern for smaller items, the cost of shipping larger objects can accumulate significantly. Additionally, it’s essential to factor in the return shipping costs to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the total expenses involved in the 3D scanning process.


3D scanning service costs can vary greatly, influenced by the project complexity, the technology used, and additional considerations like shipping. Understanding these factors will enable you to make an informed decision when hiring a 3D scanning service, ensuring you get the best value for your investment.